Small Group Experiences
Small groups are an important part of the life of our congregation. Small groups give people an opportunity to connect, form deeper relationships, receive support, and enjoy time together. It also offers a time to study a topic that is of interest to the group.
Small groups are made up of 8-12 people and often rotate meeting locations among homes. Groups focus on a topic, which are specific to each group. Topics currently are Book/Bible/Articles/Hymn Study, the Enneagram, and time for caring and sharing. Groups change every other year.
Sister Care
Several women in our congregation have attended Sister Care workshops. Sister Care workshops provide women with tools for ongoing personal healing, recognizing and celebrating God’s grace in their lives, and responding more confidently and effectively to the needs of others in their families, congregations and communities.
We have brought these tools back to our congregation. All women are invited to join Sister Care’s monthly breakfast to connect with and receive support from each other.

Eating, Learning, and Fellowship night, or as we like to call it ELF night, is pretty self explanatory. We gather periodically to eat and enjoy each others fellowship. Following the meal we will learn in an informal setting. Topics have included community nonprofits, peace and justice issues, and life experiences. All are encouraged to pick a topic and lead an ELF night.
Summer Campout
A camp out in August to Tipsaw Lake is a time for food, games, laughter, and enjoyment! Not a camper, no worries, you can still drive down and enjoy the fun! After a pitch in meal, we begin the Menno Olympics. This is a tradition enjoyed by all ages! The Olympics, with our own Menno twist, include marshmallows, rootbeer, fishing with donuts, the chicken dance, and lots of jokes! All Mennos compete for one special “trophy”.

Winter Retreat
Each year, in February, PMF has an overnight retreat at Mount Saint Francis. This is a time for connection to each other and God. Seminar/workshops bring learning opportunities. Beautiful scenery surrounds the retreat center and provides space for peaceful meditation or hiking. An intergenerational talent show and game night is sure to bring laughter and joy to your evening.
Periodic Potluck Meals
Jesus loved to eat with others and so do we! Coming together for a meal nourishes our body and our relationships. Gathering around food offers a chance for conversations beyond church.
All are welcome to our potluck meals. Forgot food for the pitch-in, no worries, we always have plenty of food to share!
Intergenerational Experiences
PMF believes that connections that are across generations can be nurturing to all and can lead to long lasting relationships. We strive to provide activities that involve all ages working together. Worship and music is often made up of all ages. Our mentor mentee program also provides intergenerational relationships.

An intergenerational bike ride from PMF to Spring Mill is made.