Circle of Care
Circle of Care exists to assist PMF members and family during times of major transition and desires to assist with physical, emotional and spiritual health during these transition times.
Creation Care
As one of our core values we take seriously our responsibility to care for the earth and all God’s creation. One way in which we carry out our responsibility is to avoid using disposable products for church meals.
A small orchard are part of our church property where trees are tended and fruit and maple sap are gathered. Wooded trails are available for walking and meditation.
More information can be found at Mennonite Creation Care.
Mennonite Disaster Service
Each year participants join efforts of Mennonite Disaster Service to build bridges, clean up following natural disasters, and rebuilding efforts nationally.

with MDS in Puerto Rico for a summer term.
Volunteers from PMF joined them for a week.
Community Involvement
We seek to live out our faith by being involved in community efforts that promote the well-being of others, such as: OC Habitat for Humanity, OC Recycling Co-op, Thrive Orange County, Hand’s Up Orange County Community Garden, Lost River Market and Deli and Family LifeResource Center.

Pictured above is us in the Community Gardens. We take advantage of our fruits from this work and make salsa! Salsa is then sold and all profits go to Growing Global Hope.
PMF is one of Orange County Habit for Humanity’s many community partners. We give both financially and through volunteer time.
Peace and Justice
Peace and Justice are an integral part of our belief and life. We seek to be peacemakers in every aspect of our lives, in our families, with our neighbors, in our community, and around the world. PMF supports several organizations (like Mennonite Central Committee) that seek to bring healing and hope to others around the world. We also seek to speak into issues both locally and nationally with words and actions of reconciliation.
Cross-culture Experiences
As we live out our core value of “global awareness,” seeking cross-cultural experience locally, nationally and internationally have been planned. Youth and adults have participated in learning experiences to the Mexico border, Guatemala, Ecuador, and Cambodia in recent years.

Financial Giving
In addition to the annual church budget, each month participants have the opportunity to give to organizations serving others, such as: Mennonite Central Committee, local food pantry, OC Habitat for Humanity, Mercy Center, Grace Haven, Giving Back to Africa, OCCF Good Samaritan Fund, Christian Peacemaker Teams, Family Life Resource Center, and Growing Hope Globally.
Below we share several stories that arise out of living out our faith as we reach out to others.
One example, several participants in the congregation purchased a back- hoe and have started a “back-hoe” ministry. The back-hoe has been used to help Habitat for Humanity, build needed bridges in West Virginia and to assist local folks needing the assistance of a “back-hoe.”
A Longest Night Community Service
Sharing Community and Personal Losses Together
A Longest Night Christian Communal Service
Two local churches have joined together to continue a local tradition on the 21st of December – the shortest day and longest night of the year. The Paoli Mennonite and Paoli Presbyterian Churches are holding a service to recognize the community losses and personal worries we continue to experience—even during the holiday season.
On Saturday, December 21, 2019 at 7:00 pm, there will be a Longest Night Service at the Paoli Presbyterian Church.
At Christmas we usually emphasize our Christian and personal joys in our lives and the lives of friends and family. Yet for most of us, we have experienced sorrow and loss in the past year that cannot be forgotten or ignored. How we acknowledge these events and how we can listen to others experiencing loss can greatly help each other to move towards the peace offered at Christmas.
Come join with us in sharing and hearing prayers, scripture, poems, and music that acknowledge our need to support each other in God’s presence as we struggle. Help us share together rather than alone.
This service is open to everyone.