Children and Youth

Weekly Sunday School

Following our weekly worship all school-age children/youth have the opportunity to participate in an hour of Christian education.  Mennonite Church curriculum, Shine:  Living in God’s Light, is used for our teaching. 

Our Middler Sunday school class helped their teacher, Jon Shellenberger, make this beautiful wooden cross. Jesus’ clothing is made up of countries in which a personal connection exists with participates at PMF.

High School Youth Group

Regular activities are planned for all high school youth.  Special activities include traveling to Michigan for Snow Camp, attending the Mennonite convention every two years, service projects at various locations, occasional international learning experiences, visiting Mennonite colleges, and hiking in the Rocky Mountains.  

Junior High Youth Group

Periodic youth activities are planned for youth in grades six through eight.  A Snow Camp experience is planned each winter at one of the Mennonite camps in Michigan.  

Vacation Bible School

Each summer children/youth are encouraged to attend an interactive Bible School program. Topics have included:  Peace Lab, where children discover God’s way of peace; Loving God and Loving Neighbor; Taste and See, God is Good, a look at food through the eyes of faith. Last year we experimented with having adults join the children/youth for a Bible School experience.

Summer Camp Experiences

Each summer school-age children/youth take part in a summer camping experience at one of our Mennonite Church camps, Camp Friedenswald or Amigo Centre, in Michigan.  

Mentor-Mentee Program

At the age of 10, each youth, along with their parents, is encouraged to select an adult within the congregation as a mentor.  This mentor/mentee relationship continues throughout the high school years. 

Annual pumpkin carving!
To see more pictures visit Mentor-Mentee Photo Gallery.

Yearly Circle of Grace

Each year all children/youth participate in the curriculum, Circle of Grace.  The goal of the Circle of Grace program is to educate and empower children/youth to actively participate in a safe environment for themselves and others.  

Cross-cultural Experiences

We attempt to introduce all our youth to various cross-cultural experiences.  In recent years this has included travel to Cambodia, Guatemala, the U.S./Mexico border and Ecuador. 


Leadership Opportunities

Youth are invited to serve in a leadership role in various committees, including:  Pastoral Search Committee, Worship Committee, Immigration Task Force, and Music Committee.  They are also opportunities to be involved in leading various parts of the worship service. 

Sexuality Education

Every two years all youth are invited to participate in a healthy sexuality education program. This series of four sessions connect our faith with our God given sexuality.