This Sunday we end our Lenten journey and celebrate Easter. Our Scripture text is John 20:1-18: a beautiful account of Jesus’ closest friends, followers, discovering that his body was not in the tomb, and coming to see and begin to believe that he had risen from the dead.
We are especially looking at Mary Magdalene, whom Eastern Christians honor as “the apostle to the apostles,” the first Christian evangelist. We’ve met Mary in John chapters 11, 12, and 20, a dear friend with Jesus. The closeness of their friendship is deeply moving in this week’s passage.
We notice that Mary confesses Christ, serves Jesus, anoints him for burial, witnesses his death and resurrection, and proclaims the first Easter message. She models a five-fold vocation for all followers of Jesus and is an example for us as we journey through Holy Week: trust, serve, bless, witness, and proclaim.
This season we have been engaged in the spiritual practice of seeking—asking questions, and staying curious, open-hearted, and nimble. This Sunday we ask, as Mary is asked several times, “Why are you weeping? Who are you looking for?” We pray these questions will draw us more deeply into the heart of God and into the fullness of life.
Join us this Sunday for our Easter worship service at 10 a.m.